Prayer is like a portable Sabbath, when we close our eyes for just a moment and let the
mind rest in the heart. Like the Muslims who stop to pray five times a day, like the Angelus,
we can be stopped by a bell, a sunset, a meal, and we can pray. Something close to the
heart, and simple. Perhaps a line from the Twenty-third Psalm, the Lord’s Prayer, a short
blessing: May all beings be happy, may all beings be at peace. Thank you, God, for this
most amazing day. The Lord is my shepherd. Thy will be done.

Traditional Sabbaths are filled with prayers. But we can begin slowly, with a simple prayer,
like a pebble dropped into the middle of our day, rippling out over the surface of our life.
From “Sabbath: Finding Rest, Renewal & Delight in Our Busy Lives” by Wayne Muller