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A Musical Celebration in Honour of The Living Planet.

Join the Solaris Project for an evening concert at O.U.R EcoVillage celebrating the wonder of our living world, compassion for all who live here, and the interconnectedness of Life.

With fiddles, folk ballads, swingin' roots-rock, saxophones sing-alongs, a cappella anthems and reverential vespers, many genres blend in this musical celebration of the living Earth.

April 19th @ 7:30PM.

Cost: by donation.

Find out more.

About Solaris

The Solaris Project is a collaboration of musicians whose aim in performing, recording, and giving away music is to raise the awareness, consciousness, and response-ability of those playing and listening, and thereby enable right action on behalf of all beings everywhere. Solaris has performed at concert halls, communities, and villages across North America, including at the 2015 Parliament of the World's Religions, the California State capitol building, and churches, temples, and meditation centers around the Pacific Northwest and beyond.