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United Church Campus Ministry events that are open to the wider public beyond the UVic student and staff community.

Public Talk by Rev. Dr. Cynthia Bourgeault,
wisdom teacher and renowned author:Teilhard for Our Times - Consciousness, Evolution, and Our Planetary Fate. Saturday, September 24, 2016, 4:00 – 6:00 pm, University of Victoria, David Turpin Building, Room A120 (Parking int he UVic Stadium parking lot).
This talk will embrace new evolutionary ground as we explore the mystical and visionary thinking of Teilhard the Chardin and his contribution to ecology. His work, as made more accessible by Cynthia Bourgeault, is critically important for shaping a renewed spiritual path for the 21st century and enabling us to embrace the future with compassion, courage, and spiritual intelligence. Throughout the talk, Cynthia will balance teaching with some contemplative and embodied practice. FREE. Donations gratefully received.

Bread and Wine – Contemplative Communion. Tuesdays, 12:30 – 1:00pm, Interfaith Chapel. A simple Christian service when we gather to pray, hear the gospel, and share communion bread and wine. Pause in the middle of the week, in the middle of the day, for a half hour oasis of contemplation and soul food. This term we will also host a simple soup meal at 12:00pm, before the service. Welcome to all!


Programs in Earth Literacies
Fall Programs:

Making a Place We Can All Call Home: Soul-Work for Earth Partisans with Ian Wight
4 Wednesdays, Sept 28—Oct 19 | 7:00—9:00 pm | $75
or $20 drop in
What do we mean by home, place, especially vis-à-vis space, wondering about its sacred and secular attributes, and its combination of primalcy and potency?
Thomas Berry, Prophet and Mystic with Gertie Jocksch
4 Tuesdays, Oct 4—25 | 10:00 AM—12:00 PM | $75
or $20 drop in
Thomas Berry calls us to a radical re-visioning of what it means to be human among the communities of our planet home and how to birth a new age of healing and harmony with all creatures and elements of earth
Location: Friends Meeting House,1831 Fern St, Victoria