Board Report on “Disengagement Policy”

August 2023
The Church Board received a letter from our Pacific Mountain Regional Staff Liaison, Gail Miller, outlining the policy of the United Church Region regarding ministers who retire. This “Disengagement Policy” states that retiring ministers must disengage from the pastoral relationship for two full years starting on the day that a new appointment begins. In our case this means Karen must not be involved with James Bay United Church and its people for two full years starting September 1 when our new supply minister, Hilde Seal, starts her ministry with us.

This United Church disengagement policy means a minister ends their pastoral relationship, no longer has pastoral responsibility for the community, draws a boundary between their professional life and their personal life, their active ministry life and their retired life.

After two years of no connections with the church, in the third year the minister may begin to attend church if approved by the current minister and the Board, but is not to engage in ministry functions such as leading worship, funerals, and other leadership activities. After this third year the retired minister may be invited by the serving minister to participate fully in the life of the congregation.

Gail writes, “This can come as a shock to a community of faith especially after a long and wonderful ministry. People may feel they have become friends with the minister and that they may still call upon the minister when they need pastoral support or to discuss matters of the congregation. It can be difficult for a minister to decline to provide the kind of care they did for so many years. The relationship has changed and both minister and congregation must let go, move on, and begin anew.”

The Board asks congregation members to be respectful and not put Karen in the awkward spot of having to decline requests from the congregation.

Please direct any questions to the Board.