Great Thanksgiving

The Holy One is here!

God’s Spirit is with us!

Let us open our hearts.

With thanksgiving let us celebrate Christ in our midst.


We do give you thanks wondrous God

for in the beginning when the earth was a formless void

and darkness covered the face of the deep,

your Spirit moved, brooding over the watery chaos.

You said “light!” and there was light!  You brought forth a universe of beauty and mystery, a world wild with the wisdom of interconnection.  

And yet, through the ages, the world has known deep darkness --trouble has overshadowed the beauty, arrogance the mystery.  Greed, ignorance and fear have torn the web of relationships.  Even so, you have not left us to ourselves.  Your steadfast love has endured all things.

You send us prophets and poets, and stars to light the way. You speak to us in dreams.  You raise up leaders and in the fullness of time, that young girl Mary delivered Jesus into the world.  As a child he was carried by his parents, refugees fleeing danger.  He opened his heart to unlikely people in unlikely places and joined himself to them in friendship. Neither birth nor death diminished him.  Neither power nor plenty distracted him.  In all things he shares our vulnerability.  In all things he reveals your companionship with us.

And so, with all that is seen and unseen, with all the faithful of every time and place, we join our voices to sing your praise: 

O holy, holy, holy God, O God of time and space.  

All earth and sea and sky above bear witness to your grace.  Hosanna in the highest heav’n, creation sings your praise.  And blessed is the One who comes and bears your name always!     MV 203                  

On the night he was betrayed, Jesus shared a meal with his friends.  As he lifted the bread to bless it, it was as though his whole life was gathered up in that loaf.   He thanked you.  “My body,” he said, breaking the bread to share with his friends.  “Eat this, and let it become part of you.  Do this

in the awareness that I am with you.”

Then he lifted the cup … as though it was brimming with his whole life. He thanked you for it, and passed it to them, saying, “this is the cup of a new covenant poured out for you and for all, that the power of forgiveness may be released among you.  Whenever you do this, remember me.” 

We remember also and hold in the light of your love the whole creation in need of your saving grace.  

Holy One, hear the prayers of our hearts …


Pour out your Spirit upon us, and upon these gifts.

Make us one with Christ in his self-giving, that our lives too may be broken open and poured out for the healing of the world.  Make us one in love for you and the whole creation that your justice may roll down like a mighty river, and your righteousness like an ever-flowing stream.  In this hope and as your people we praise you,

God most holy, now and forever.

Lord’s prayer