Season of Advent.  Anticipating and Expecting the Holy.  Dec. 2-Dec. 23, 2018

Sunday mornings through the season of Advent


For us in this hemisphere, the Season of Advent comes at a time when the days are still growing darker.

Its a season that unfolds in deepening darkness, And yet the darkness is not the only reality.

For amidst the darkness Advent announces the promise of new light, a new day, a new time on its way.


Advent reminds us that necessary things — things worth waiting for — happen in the dark.

Next spring's seeds break open in dark winter soil.

God's Spirit hovers over dark water, preparing to create worlds.

The child we wait for grows in the deep darkness of the womb.


Theres this interplay between the darkness and light in this season.

Its a season in which we experience these seeming opposites held in tension.


Advent is the season when longing makes sense.

When its okay to say we are hungry, thirsty, lonely, empty, unfinished, or unhoused.

We sit in darkness, longing for light.

We sit in exile, longing for home.

We sit with aching, empty arms, waiting to cradle a life thats still unformed, still hidden, still in process.

 In Advent, our desire for God strains towards God's desire for us.