Season For Creation

For some years now a SEASON FOR CREATION has become part of our worship life in Autumn. We turn our attention to the gift and wonder of creation in light of our growing awareness of God’s creation in crisis. The reality of the crisis is ringing true among more and more people the world over ... and, no doubt, among all living beings.

Despair is one response. And yet that is not our only option. In fact it’s not really an option at all.

The over-arching theme for our worship in this Season of Creation is “How can I keep from singing?” That’s not about denial, but an audacious resilience. It’s about tapping into Love’s power for life that is as relentless amidst the devastation as in the breath-taking wonder. We’ll sing our way through these next weeks ... giving voice to our grief, our sorrow, our gratitude, our urgency and our agency, our courage and our hope ... inspired by Love’s presence humming through us all.

Who do you know who’s in need of strengthening and companionship as we live further into these days of immense challenge?

Extend an invitation!

Rev. Karen Dickey