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 Good evening, James Bay United Church,

It's been some time now that we've had our "who we are ...becoming" statement hanging up on the front wall of our sanctuary.  And some time since there's been any invited or spontaneous conversation about it.  It's a statement we arrived at back in May, I believe, as we drew together phrases that resonated with the most people from a variety of proposed descriptions.  The Board is eager to generate some conversation about it in the new year, so in the spirit of priming the pump for that conversation, I'm inviting you to send me a note with your thoughts.  I'd love to hear, for example,

  • Does it name for us what we are called to be actively cultivating among us?
  •  Does it serve to call us, form us?  Is it a touchstone for decision-making?
  •  How have you seen it lived out among us?  
  • Does it challenge you? inspire you? change you?  

Last Tuesday was our first of the Advent season Evensong services preceded by a simple soup supper.  Thanks to Marg and Aleksa for soup last week ... and to Bev and Beverley for signing up for this week.  You are invited to come and enjoy a meal together in the downstairs hall at 5:30 (enter off the patio at the back of the building).  Then a service of singing, praying, silent meditation in the candle-light of our sanctuary begins at 6:45.  If you are arriving for the service itself, the sanctuary doors will be open for 6:30.

Save the date now --Saturday, December 17-- for a festive evening of feasting and Christmas carol singing.  We'll gather in the hall for 6pm ... and stay til we've got no more sing left!   For the dinner, ham and scalloped potatoes will be provided ... bring along a vegetable dish or desserts to share.  It should be a great evening to enjoy together.

Tomorrow morning we gather for the Second Sunday of Advent ... we'll be lighting the Peace Candle ... celebrating communion ...  hearing the stories of several people about how they are being upheld and sustained in these challenging days to live with courage in their commitment to walking a way of justice and peace.  

Grace and Peace, Karen 

PS  Nola offers this encouragement regarding our on-line photo-directory ... Directory photos: Try adding the photo you want to use without concern for the website guidelines. Likely it will work. Or send the photo to Nola and she will post it.