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A three hour vocal workshop designed to facilitate and create space for each individual to re-discover their voice and their comfort within a circle of singers.

We'll start with warm-ups, some basic vocal technique, and sing, sing, sing.

  • NEW DATE: Sunday, April 15th 1:30 - 4:30 pm in the downstairs hall.
  • Sliding scale $20-40.
  • Contact Louise n’ha Ruby 250-732-5356 
  • Louise also offers private singing lessons.

A note from a participant of a previous workshop.

Good morning Louise,
I want to say thanks for the workshop, it was fun. And, a bigger thank you for you and your lovely supportive way of being in the world; it made it possible for me (and us together which is even better) to share a new experience. We have been spreading the word about the beauty of it all.
I was nervous about being in the group but as soon as the introductions were made, I was comfortable and felt ok about it all. The exercises were fun; it was especially freeing to do some of the vocals with everyone else making as much noise as I was…...
I’m not sure if I will find myself in such a group again, but I now know I could.
Thanks again and bless you in your work,
Marg Lunam