Welcome to Holy Week with James Bay United
beginning Sunday April 2, 2023
This is a week like no other
as we trace the story of Jesus’ final week
side of the grave … and then beyond.
It’s not a head trip …
for the invitation is to let the story in, under our skin
to let it come alive in our imaginations,
let it touch our hearts, be felt through our emotions
as it moves us through peaks and valleys, through
scenes of tenderness and terror, sorrowful regret
and bewildering joy.
It’s a week of re-tracing the story. And yet
the invitation is more than that,
because every step of the way this story is
in some way about the life we’re living
at some point or another …
Step into the story that you might be found by God’s grace,
opened in some way to Love’s encounter with us.
A daily meditation for you during this Holy Week.
Beginning April 2nd
Palm Sunday – Jesus’ jubilant entry into the city
10:15am LiveStream and in person
Maundy Thursday – the night of Jesus’ arrest
7pm in person in the sanctuary
recorded service available
Good Friday – the day of crucifixion
10am in person in the sanctuary
recorded service available
Holy Saturday – a day for keeping vigil
Easter Sunday – we celebrate the mystery of the resurrection
7:30am “Sunrise” event. Meet at Michigan & Douglas Streets for a walk into the park
8:30am Breakfast in the Lower Hall
10:15am Easter celebration LiveStream and in person in the sanctuary